PeopleCert LanguageCert Academic Test (Listening)
You hear part of a podcast discussion about how the findings of scientific research are reported in the media. You will hear the discussion twice. Choose the correct answers. You have one minute to read through the questions.
What does Peter say about press releases issued by university press officers?
The tone they take varies enormously from university to university.
It’s not in the university’s best interests for them to be too over the top.
Some press officers misunderstand their fundamental purpose.
What is Peter’s concern about the first few lines of press releases?
More effort goes into writing them than into the rest of the text.
The influence they have on readers isn't appreciated by press officers.
Inaccuracies in them seem to stick in people’s memories for a long time.
What does Marion feel is lacking from press releases about scientific findings?
evidence to support the claims being made
warnings about the limitations of the study
information that puts the findings into context
What do Peter and Marion agree about the overhyping of study results?
Preventing it involves controlling many variables.
There’s no need for it to happen as often as it does.
Scientists need to monitor it and intervene if necessary.
Marion says that when dealing with science press releases, journalists
accept them with little scrutiny.
are wary of challenging them.
treat them as low priority.
What is Marion’s feeling about science media centres?
She’s convinced they’re superior to any other solution.
She can’t understand why they’re not more popular.
She’s keen to confirm her suspicion that they are effective.