PeopleCert LanguageCert Academic Test (Listening)
You will hear five conversations. Listen to the conversations and answer the questions. Choose the correct answer. You will hear each conversation twice.
Conversation 1
You hear two business students talking about an opportunity to study abroad.
What does the man say about studying abroad?
He’s worried he won’t enjoy it very much.
He doesn’t think it will be very educational.
He thinks he’s missed the deadline to apply.
The woman thinks the advantage of studying abroad is
gaining an awareness of cultural differences.
having the chance to make useful contacts.
Being able to attract a higher salary.

Conversation 2
You hear two medical students talking about a course assignment.

The man thinks that when the woman was writing her patient leaflet
she left out some crucial information.
she failed to consider who it was intended for.
she selected an inappropriate condition to write about.
The man accepts the woman’s point that some people
want things explaining more than once.
may turn to the internet in frustration.
have a greater need for facts than others.
Conversation 3
You hear a student telling a friend about her new accommodation.
What does she say about her room?
She accepts it has one advantage.
She's annoyed that she had to take it.
She's surprised nobody warned her about it.
Her friend advises her to
look for a new place to live.
make the most of the situation.
persuade someone to swap with her.

Conversation 4

You hear a sports-science student telling a friend about his next research project.

What is the man going to focus on in his project?
how the health benefits of yoga compare with those of other sports
whether a particular yoga technique is useful in day-to-day life
which aspects of yoga practice are most beneficial
What does he say about the data-collection methods he could use?
Selecting one has proved harder than he expected.
He may lack the skill to use his preferred one.
The simplest ones are often the best.

Conversation 5
You hear a university teacher talking to a student about her research.

How does the student feel about her progress?
She's unsure why it's been so poor.
She's ashamed by how slow it's been.
She's hopeful she's about to turn a corner.
What does the teacher most want to see evidence of in her literature review?
a clear structure
thorough analysis
original thinking